
Proposed Nomenclature Standard

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During the September 2023 NAACLS Board of Directors meeting, the board chose not to advance the proposed nomenclature standard. This recommended standard would have mandated that NAACLS-accredited programs adopt formalized names. Failure to comply with this nomenclature standard would result in citations, reductions in accreditation award lengths, and potentially involuntary withdrawal of accreditation. 

NAACLS maintains its support for standardizing the nomenclature for laboratory practitioners by the professional organizations. However, the board does not consider the enforcement of specific program names within the realm of NAACLS accreditation. NAACLS’ core mission, vision, and values are dedicated to pursuing excellence in laboratory science education. 

We extend our gratitude to the volunteers who contributed to developing the 2023 Draft Standards. We invite you to register for the upcoming Dr. NAACLS session titled, ‘Board of Directors Update,’ scheduled for Monday, October 30th, at noon CST. NAACLS President Dr. Robert Cottrell will present a comprehensive overview of the decisions reached during the recent Board of Directors meeting.

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